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- Rayan Sen

21st August 2020

I visited High Ultra Lounge for a bachelor's party hosted by my friends. This bar has a charming ambiance with some great interiors. It is spacious and is very ideal for hosting a large group party with friends. That night we enjoyed a lot. The pub arranged a DJ for us. The dance floor is amazing and we danced up too late at night. There was a nice arrangement for us and we choose some Chinese dishes. The test of those dishes was outstanding. There were also some premium wines alo more

- Kanistha Nair

2nd August 2020

High Ultra Lounge is popular for being the highest lounge bar in Bangalore providing a panoramic view of the incredible city taking the ambience to a whole other level. I booked this place through VenueMonk for a get together party with friends and it was so worth my money! They serve nutritious Korean, Thai and Chinese dishes to satiate your culinary desires. The delicacies are magnificent and leave you wanting for more. No matter what your choice of drink is, they have it here! more

- Kanistha Nair

6th July 2020

High Ultra Lounge is popular for being the highest lounge bar in Bangalore providing a panoramic view of the incredible city taking the ambience to a whole other level. I booked this place through VenueMonk for a get together party with friends and it was so worth my money! They serve nutritious Korean, Thai and Chinese dishes to satiate your culinary desires. The delicacies are magnificent and leave you wanting for more. No matter what your choice of drink is, they have it here! more
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